Thursday, August 14, 2008

Down to the Wire

Well, Family, I'm moving in a week. There are still a lot of details, a lot of little things I need to take, a lot of planning ahead to do so that I take everything I need.

I've been able to spend some time with Dee these last few days she's been in town. That's been good and reassuring. It is a comfort to be given some insight into daily issues by her. Up to this point I have just been a little intimidated by the idea of going at it alone. It's not so bad now. And she's a quality friend to have around anyway...

Most of my goodbye's have been said. Friends have moved or gone on vacation before I leave, so we've parted a bit early. It's funny how normal the goodbye's are now. I have left the country so many times that now it's just a "yeah, see you later." No tears. No mushy last moments. Just see-you-laters. I like it that way. That's evidence of kinship in the Spirit.

I'll let you know how things are going in the next couple of days.

Love you all.

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