Saturday, August 23, 2008

Home Sweet Haiti

I am finally here.

Thank you.

We are working hard at many things, me on learning Kreyol and organizing my thoughts and resources for school. Things are s l o w sometimes and then get really fast, but I am enjoying everything from the beans and rice to the bucket baths to the makeshift conversations with my new neighbors in my broken Kreyol.

I love it. I love it all. (except the mosquitos)


1 comment:

Tammy said...

Hi Crash!!! Just found your blog...I wish I had found it much sooner! Please know that we are all praying for you while you are in Haiti amidst all the hurricane devastation! I admire you & your commitment to this mission. The Kingdom will be Blessed by your efforts & service there. Give Wilckly & everyone there our love and know that you all are in our prayers!