Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busy Days in Haiti

Can I be honest and say that I'd rather be Haiti busy than in-the-States-for-Christmas busy. I have no problem with spending my Christmas here without the shopping (I hate shopping), and the cold (I hate being cold) and the ice (I hate falling in the ice).

Last year I lost count of how many times I fell in the snow or ice. The funniest of them was worthy of a Funniest Videos prize (let's be honest- it doesn't take much to be on Funniest Videos). I was walking to the car when my brother picked me up from work and right about the time I was passing the side view mirror, CRASH! Yep, that's me. My brother said he heard the squeak of my fingers trying to grip the hood as I went down. I was there one moment, gone the next. No fun. And I don't miss it.

I wouldn't mind being around for the birth of my first niece, though, which is happening a week from today. My big family isn't too thrilled about me missing it either. It WILL be a bit different, but wouldn't give this up.

Besides, I kind of like the idea of taking a walk along the beach on Christmas day. Better than losing feeling in my digits when I walk out to the car.

More soon.


P.S. I finally realized that it was nearing Christmas the other day when the sun set and it got so cool that I almost and to put on a long sleeve shirt! Whew, that was close.


Blessing Hearts International said...

I am jealous of course when I think of you in the hot weather, sweating in your tank top and shorts. I know there is a price to pay and hope you still consider it worthy of your time and efforts. It sure is easy to just say I quit, I don't care and get me out of here. You are doing an excellent job and Wilckly and I appreciate you so very much. We thank God for sending you. Hang on tight, We're coming soon!!!!

SewHappybyChristie said...

I too am reading this am. The children and I have just finished praying that you would be encouraged today to simply trust Him for everything just like you have been. The children totally enjoy reading your posts here. I am grateful for your witness in Haiti and as it reaches us even more so. It amazes me how like you said God choose you to be a missionary in Haiti but you are still ministring here as well. May he bless you thank you again for blessing us.
Love The Petersen Family