Thursday, February 18, 2010

What would you do?

What would YOU do for a plate of rice and beans (rather than a klondike bar)?

I would…

Upon landing in Haiti, spend four consecutive days at the airport and UN compound looking for someone who had an extra few plates of food for my friends.

After not receiving anything, I would get on the phone and computer every day for hours on end trying to find anyone who had a few extra plates of food for my friends.

After two weeks of that, I would say yes to an offer to go the north coast of the island in the Dominican to pick up enough food for my friends.

A couple of days later I would drive (peppered with sitting and waiting every now and then) for two whole days to get to the food.

Then I would spend four hours waiting at the border to get to the food.

Then I would reach the food, load it up and try to cross the border to go home, but then I would be told that it was too late to cross back over, so then I would sleep at a friend’s house (source of food) with my travelling companions for the night to cross in the morning.

Then I would wake up before dawn to get in line at the border to cross as early as possible, but then I would wait four more hours for a fax that would eventually never come.

Then I would cross the border to get the food to its sorting location by way of another two-day road trip which may or may not include the truck(s) breaking down for the fourth and fifth times in the last three days.

That’s what I would do for some rice and beans.

Plus, I would get lost in Gonaive.


SewHappybyChristie said...

I will pray more.

Beverly said...

Oh, Crissy... Blessings to you.