Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another First

I am finding a lot of new ways to get things done nowadays.

I've never been in a situation like this before. Moving to a different country, doing 2 things at once: 1) working hour upon hour to raise money 2) trying to keep my head above water to complete all other resonsibilities while trying to raise money.

God has been doing some tweaking in my daily lifestyle in an attempt to show me better ways of doing things. As Hebrews 12 says, "God's discipline is always right and good..." I'm thanking him for that today, otherwise I'd be in quite a mess. And thanks to him, things are moving along well. I'm gaining a lot of prayer cover for the ministry to Haiti in contacting all of these churches. Money is harder to come by. The best things in life are free, right!? Prayer is most certainly on the list.

Love you guys.

Thanks for praying.

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