Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Little Miss Lonia

Lonia is about 10 months old. She was born with a major digestive problem and wasn't expected to live past 1 year. She was brought to our attention in March up in the mountains of Haiti in a little village called Cupois.

Dee Dorce brought her to the States at the end of June after finding a hospital and doctor in California that are taking care of all the costs.

Lonia had her first surgery and is doing well. She had a few complications after the first surgery and was in ICU on Monday, but she's back to stable condition and doing fine. We're not sure when she'll be ready for her next surgery, but she and Dee, as well as Dee's youngest daughter Kelsey, are staying with the doctor and his family, so she is well taken care of in the meantime.

You'll be hearing a lot more about this little girl in due time.

Until then...

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