Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Team of Friends

The team that visited last week is the same team that I have lead the last two years. Talk about a switch in role-play! I knew all but two of the girls that came personally so, after five months of fairly lonely circumstances, you can imagine how ecstatic I was to have a group of friends around.

It started out as the normal airport chaos. But this time I got to run the other end of it. Before, all I had to do was usher the girls around and wait for Dee's orders. This time I was negotiating and arguing and giving orders in Creole and driving and, well, you get the idea. I'm sure they were slightly taken aback.

And what better way to end a day of chaos than with a little more chaos? To say it simply, the truck broke down. Not only did it break down, it broke way down. The head gasket. It broke. Big time. So we pulled the little truck home by way of the big truck, which was just recently fixed. Did I mention that we had just replaced the clutch in the little truck THE DAY BEFORE all this happened? All I have to say is, Dorce Ministries will think twice before putting on the team someone who's very aura makes vehicles' entrails crumble.

Nonetheless, the team of the ladies from Hannibal-LaGrange College was more than happy to join us for the adventure. The week was spent telling stories and laughing and travelling and laughing. We made visits to four of our main locations- Carries, Cupois, Verrette and Montrouis. About four hundred kids got gifts of toys, food, candy, pencils, etc. The week was wonderful in every way I could have expected.

One of my favorite things to share was the testimony that this is not supernatural work for supernatural people. I know that most short-term student missionaries think that only special people are qualified for the work. I know that sometimes missionaries are put on a pedastal. But I got to tell them and prove to them that they're all candidates by saying that a year ago I was in their seat. I was a student leading a week-long mission trip. I was a college girl. A year ago. I'm a 23-year-old single gal. My qualifications are not exceptional. I have barely passed the stage they're in now.

That's what makes this whole situation so extraordinary. I have no idea why God chose me for this position at this time instead of someone else. But I guarantee that if He's done it with me, He can and will do it with whichever person in whichever place for whichever reason He wants to. If this has proved anything to me so far, it's that God doesn't need me.

The whole week was overwhelming and wonderful. And now we're back down to business.

Thanks for being with me for all this. It's a very big deal.

Much love,

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